Acquisition of Dollarstore
Tokmanni Group Oyj
Acquisition of Dollarstore
Rajupaja Studio
7.7.2023 - 11:00 (UTC+2)
The event will be live streamed on this site from 11:00 onwards. You can ask questions from the speakers via the chat box next to the stream player or by joining the Teams-link once invited to do so, instructions below.
- If the stream doesn’t start automatically, please press the ”Play” -button on the player.
- Make sure you have audio on both on your viewing device and on the player (lower right corner of the player).
- If you have problems with the site, please refresh the page.
Join this –> Teams-link if you would like to ask a question online vocally.
- Please use your full name (and company) when logging in.
- We will let participants to ask questions one at the time (only microphone), please wait in the queue for your turn.
- Please mute (or close) this live stream page once logged in to Teams.