The 69 Eyes
26.6.2020 - 20:00 (UTC+3)
Tickets 9,90e / 16,90e *** ticketmaster.fi/sunbornlivestream
The 69 Eyes released their apocalyptically titled new album “West End” last fall and started their all year lasting 30th anniversary world tour. Now they are celebrating their three decades by streaming a live show from Helsinki, Finland on Friday June 26th. The Helsinki Vampires will rock around the world for their fans live on their screens and the ticket link works for four days after. More expensive ticket allows also for a virtual meet & greet with the band.
“We’re excited to play our 30th anniversary show at Helsinki’s House Of Culture (Kulttuuritalo). It’s a legendary venue where I saw The Ramones back in the day. All the classic rock bands have played there over the years from Jimi Hendrix to Led Zeppelin to Metallica! Now we can invite all our fans all over the world to celebrate with us there,” says the vocalist Jyrki 69.
The 69 Eyes at Sunborn Live Stream from Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki, Finland
Standard Ticket 9,90€ – includes the access to watch the gig for 4 days
Vampire Ticket 16,90€ – includes the access to watch the gig for 4 days + meet & greet -chat session with band after the concert
Merch store (worldwide): store.69eyes.com
Show times:
Los Angeles – 10:00 AM
Mexico City – 12:00 PM
New York – 1:00 PM
Sao Paolo – 2:00 PM
London – 18:00
Berlin – 19:00
Helsinki – 20:00
Moscow – 20:00
Sydney – 1:00 AM (+ 1 day)
Meet & Greet:
After the concert.
Sunborn Live Stream is produced by collaboration with Sunborn Live and RajuLive.