Oil Spill Final Hybrid Conference
Scandic Grand Central Hotel
24.11.2021 - 10:00 (UTC+2)
OIL SPILL – Enhancing oil spill response capability in the Baltic Sea Region 2019–2021
Unlike on the open sea and in international waters, combatting oil spills in shallow waters and coastal areas is often complicated. The division of tasks and responsibilities between Competent Authorities and other stakeholders, such as NGOs, is often unclear. The focus of OIL SPILL is on strengthening oil spill response capability in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by enhancing cooperation structures, procedures and skills between and within the relevant stakeholders.
Conference programme
Changes to the programme are possible. (Photo: Kristian Eloluoto, Southwest Finland Emergency Services)
Part I: OIL SPILL-hanke ja öljyntorjunta Suomen rannikoilla ja matalissa vesissä, tilaisuus alkaa klo
- Tervetulosanat, Prof. Lauri Ojala, OIL SPILL-hanke
- OIL SPILL -hanke: mitä tulikaan tehtyä? – Jarmo Malmsten, OIL SPILL
Hyvinvointialueuudistus, pelastustoimi ja ympäristövahinkojen torjunta – erityisasiantuntija Mikko Karvonen, Pelastusosasto, sisäministeriö
- Opit ja kehitystarpeet:
○ Viranomaistoiminnassa – Torbjörn Lindström, Varsinais-Suomen Pelastuslaitos
○ Vapaaehtoistoiminnan johtamisessa – Tommi Virtanen, Suomen Punainen Risti
○ Vapaaehtoistoiminnan käytännöissä – Heta Hyvärinen, Suomen Punainen Risti
○ Öljyteollisuudessa – Kimmo Vahanto, Neste Oyj - Päätösosiona yhteenvetävä keskustelu
Lunch break from 12.00 noon till 1.00 pm
Part II: Enhancing Oil Spill Response Capability in the Baltic Sea Region, Project OIL SPILL, starting
at 1.00 pm
- Welcoming words by Prof. Lauri Ojala, OIL SPILL Project Director
- Projects as part of EU’s Baltic Sea Region Strategy (EUSBSR) – Mr. Valtteri Laine, Traficom; PA SAFE
- HELCOM view in combatting oil spills – Mr. Torben Iversen, HELCOM Response Working Group
- Environmental Authority view – Mr. Ossi Tonteri, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
- Competent Authority view I – Ms. Agnes Unnuk, Estonian Ministry of Environment
- Competent Authority view II – Mr. Pekka Parkkali, Finnish Border Guard
Coffee break 2.30 pm – 3.00 pm
- Experiences from exercise Vellamo – Mr. Miikka Toivonen, SW Finland Emergency Services
- Lithuanian experience I – Mr. Mindaugas Kruopys, Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania
- Lithuanian experience II – Ms. Emilija Une Sakalauskaite, Lithuanian Red Cross
- Latvian experience – Mr. Aleksandrs Pavlovics, Latvian Maritime Academy
- Danish experience – Mr. Carsten Iversen, Danish Civil Protection League
- Life after OIL SPILL: POPCORN – Mr. Niko Hänninen, University of Oulu
- Concluding panel discussion with Q & A
Session closing at 4.00 pm